I’ve been hammering away on my script for Script Frenzy and while I am behind in the daily goals I’m on a rate to finish ahead of schedule.  I met with my friend, John Schimke, tonight and pitched him what I have so far and got some great ideas on how to improve the story already.  It can only get better from here.

So at the end of Day 8 I am at 20 pages, writing roughly 7 pages per day.  I’ve only got 20-25 more pages until the turning point where all hell breaks loose.  It will be crazy!  At least that is the goal.

I also had some great ideas pop up for the Title Contest.  It’s not too late and maybe my ideas will spark your ideas.  Read the rules and info on the contest, read through what other people have suggested and toss in your thoughts.  You could win a credit in the movie and a free copy of the completed film.  You can access the page by clicking here or to the left in the side bar.

So far the script is allowing for some very interesting visuals.  Stay tuned and check my progress at my Script Frenzy Page.  You can even catch a small portion of the first draft of the script there.

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