For all those who have been anxiously waiting for word of the progress of One Click, here you have it.  If you remember I stated a disclaimer when I got this thing going: “If the story is not up to par then I will fix it before I start shooting.”

Many times we become intrigued by low budget filmmaking, but I can guarantee that it is not the process that intrigues us but the story.  It all comes down to being able to tell a good story and if you don’t have a good story to start with then the chance of having a good story when it is finished is very unlikely.

Don’t worry, the project is not canned it is just delayed for the sake of your enjoyment.  In other words, I am still working on the script.  I will keep you posted as things progress.

While we wait, what are some low budget films that you enjoy?

I’ll start the ball rolling.

Monsters is the film that currently highly intrigues me.  Low budget but epic in scale – a bit of an inspiration.

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